lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Respuestas Preguntas Pagina 109

Respuesta paginas N° 109.
1.       How tall are you? Are you taller tan the other people in your family.
R//  Im tall 1.50 mts, No I am the smallest in my family.

2.       What color are your eyes? What color is your hair?
R// My eyes are colour coffee and My hair is chestnut coloured.

3.       Who do you take after in your family? How are you alike
R// I cam after my brother, not alike to him.

4.       What does your teacher look like
R// she is short and slim.

5.       Who´s got very short hair in your class?  Does anyone have very long hair
R// Maria has short hair in class. Camila has very long hair.

6.       Does anyone in the class look like someone famous?
Pedro look like a Tom Cruse.

7.       Are any of your friends over six feet tall? How Tall is your best friend?
R// Not, nobody so tall from my friends. My best friend tall 1.70 mts.

8.       Do you know any twins ? Do they look alike
R// Yes, know some twins, are equal.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Lista de Adjetivos

Adjetivos Calificativo
  1. amused – divertido
  2. asleep – dormido
  3. awake – despierto
  4. bad – malo
  5. beautiful – hermoso
  6. big – grande
  7. calm – tranquilo
  8. clean – limpio
  9. cold – frío
  10. complex – complejo
  11. content – contento
  12. cool – fresco
  13. cheap – barato
  14. cheerful – alegre
  15. dangerous – peligroso

Rasgos Psicologicos
  1.  adventurous  - aventurero
  2.  ambitious  - ambicioso
  3. amusing – divertido
  4. attentive - atento
  5. cheerful  – alegre
  6. considerate  – considerado
  7. courageous - valeroso, valiente
  8. creative  – creative
  9. oyal  – leal
  10. humble – humilde
  11. imaginative – imaginative
  12. ingenious  – ingenioso
  13. intelligent  – inteligente
  14. tolerant  – tolerante
  15. trustworthy - confiable

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Pasado Simple + Pasado Continuo

Ejercicios Combinados:
1.- Last Saturday when my brother arrived, I was watching TV.
2.- My uncle lost all his fortune playing in casinos.
3.- When the teacher entered the classroom the students were speaking very loudly.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Pasado Simple

Reglas Gramaticales
  • Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas) : Sujeto + verbo principal.

  • Negative Sentences (Frases negativas) : Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to do") + "not" + verbo principal.

  • Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas) : Verbo auxiliar ("to do") + sujeto + verbo principal?

Tabla Comparativa
10 Ejemplo:
  • I wanted to dance. (Quería bailar.)
  • She was a doctor. (Era doctora.)
  • They learned English. (Aprendieron inglés.)
  • We believed him. (Le creímos.)
  • Did you want to dance? (¿Querías bailar?)
  • Was she a doctor? (¿Era doctora?)
  • Did they learn English? (¿Aprendieron ingles?)
  • Did you believe him? (¿Le creíste?)
  • Tom stayed at home last night. (Tom se quedó en casa anoche.)
  • Kate worked last Saturday. (Kate trabajó el sábado pasado.)
  • I didn't go to the party yesterday. (No fui a la fiesta anoche.)
  • Did they walk to school this morning? (¿Andaron hasta la escuela esta mañana?)


    jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

    La Estructura Básica del Pasado Continuo:

    Nota: Este tiempo verbal se forma con el pasado del verbo BE más el gerundio ING del verbo que se desea conjugar. Indica una acción en desarrollo en el pasado, es decir, usamos el Pasado Continuo para expresar que alguien ESTABA HACIENDO algo en determinado momento y que la acción había comenzado con anterioridad pero no había finalizado.

    subject + was / were +  ing

    subject + was/were + not + 1 > ing

    subject + was/were + 1 > ing
    Was/Were + subject + 1 > ing ?

    Utilizacion de cada uno de los pronombres:

              was eating something.                
    You     were talking to somebody.       
    He       was listening to something.      
    She      was reading something.
    It          was going somewhere.               
    You      were looking at something.  
    We      were wearing something.          
    They    were sitting somewhere.

    Tabla de Comparación
    I was going
    I was not going
    Was I going?
    You were going
    You were not going
    Were you going?
    He was going
    He was not going
    Was he going?
    She was going
    She was not going
    Was she going?
    It was going
    It was not going
    Was it going?
    We were going
    We were not going
    Were we going?
    You were going
    You were not going
    Were you going?
    They were going
    They were not going
    Were they going?

    10 Ejemplos de PAST CONTINOUS:

    1.- This time last year I  was visiting  Rio de Janeiro.

    2.- What  were  you  doing  at 10:00 last night?

    3.- Daniel  was preparing  dinner.

    4.- Daniel  burned  his hand while he  was preparing  dinner.

    6.- It  was raining  when I  got up  this morning.

    7.- While Ann  was working  in the garden, she  hurt  her back.

    8.- When Monica  arrived , we  were having  dinner.

    9.- Monica arrived and then we had dinner.

    10.- You were going to New York.